The Union of Concerned Scientists ( is a science-based nonprofit organization, made up of scientists and other citizens, working for a healthy environment. Look at the website to evaluate their integrity and criticisms of governmental agencies, Congress, and the current (and past) Executive Branch.
I am impressed by their standards and attempts at public outreach. I find their articles and endeavors quite objective, but depressing because of the conclusions. I invite everyone to read and criticize, but don’t count on me to be a defender. Ask them to do that. Communicate directly with them.
Of current interest is a new website about climate change (mostly global warming) at (<>) and the effects it’s having on many regions of the earth. Yes, our climate is changing, but no one can say whether the change is permanent and not reversible, or just cyclical and the climate will come back toward the climate we’ve grown used to during the past century and a half. We can’t panic, but we should be deeply concerned for the next few generations of people who will be greatly impacted if changes seen throughout the world are the first wave of permanent changes. We should remain skeptical, question data and interpretations, but not stick our heads in the sand like an ostrich.
In my own field of research, I recall that it took twenty years for the theory of plate tectonics to be accepted by the last holdout in the Earth Science community. And, I have to remember that there is still an active “Flat Earth Society” ( Let’s hope that ultraconservatives and science-ignorant people don’t start a society against climate change. What could it be? Let’s see. How about this one (<>)?
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